
Language Source
CATALAN Biblioteca Nacional de España;
Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya.
CROATIAN COBISS Inter-Library database.
DANISH Den Danske Bogfortegnelse;
Royal Library.
DUTCH Brinkman’s Cumulatieve Catalogus van boeken (1850 to present);
Lektuur Repertorium;
Royal Dutch Library;
Danny de Laet.
ENGLISH Whitaker’s Cumulative Book List;
British Books in Print;
English Catalogue of Books, published for the Publishers Circular Ltd by Sampson Low from 1801-1912, and by the Publishers Circular Ltd itself from 1913-1968;
British Library Catalogue;
Catalogue of the Bodleian Library, Oxford;
Trinity College, Dublin;
BookPalace London (re Tom Corbett);
The New Chalet Club Book List of Children’s Series Fiction, London 2004;
Cambridge University Library, Newton Catalogue.
FRENCH Bibliographie de la France (weekly);
Bibliographie de Belgique;
Répertoire du livre suisse;
Livres disponibles, Electre;
Livres en format de poche, Electre;
Danny de Laet.
GERMAN Deutsche Bibliographie published by Buchhändler-Vereinigung GmbH;
Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis;
Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher;
Gesamtverzeichnis Österreichische Bibliographie, Vienna;
Schweizer Bücherverzeichnis, Lausanne.
HUNGARIAN Közelkat (Combined Universities) Catalog;
ICELANDIC National Library of Iceland;
Bokín secondhand book-store;
Luc Mitchell.
ITALIAN Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana, Florence;
Catalogo Generale della Libreria Italiana;
Catalogo dei libri in commercio;
Repertorio del libro svizzero.
LITHUANIAN The National Library of Lithuania.
NORWEGIAN Den Norske Bokfortegnelse.
PORTUGUESE Boletim de Bibliografia Portuguesa.
SPANISH Bibliografía Española;
Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid;
Agencia española de ISBN, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura;
Bibliografia Hispanica;
El Libro Español (monthly);
Biblioteca Tercera Fondación (;
Libreria Anticuaria Sanz, Madrid.
SWEDISH Bok Förteckning.