This website is devoted to the provision of information on the European editions of American children’s series books. Many collectors are interested in learning about, and often building up collections of, the foreign editions of the books they love. As I am living in a European country – Ireland – I have managed over a lifetime of collecting to visit many European countries and to find many foreign editions of your favourite series books. From the widely published French editions of Nancy Drew to the single, decades-old volume of a series such as Ted Scott or the Motor Boys, I have built up a database of many thousands of book listings.
In fact, many are surprised by the sheer number of American series books translated into European languages. In the following pages you will find over 147 series by more than 133 authors. There are 26 languages. Sadly for me, personally, not one of these series books has ever been published in Irish (Gaelic). But that is really the exception. From Catalán to Russian, Turkish to Icelandic, very few Europeans of the last two or three generations have not been exposed to a Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden or Bobbsey Twins book, to mention only a handful.
As with all research of this nature, it will probably never been finished. I will continue to add to and update it as and when necessary, correct errors when discovered (and, please, feel free to contact me over any errors, omissions or exceptions you spot – contact details on website) and generally make the website useful and informative to some if not all.
All sources have been listed and acknowledged elsewhere on this site.